MemorySil® Earplugs (EarJellies) are Available on Amazon! [1/9/2024: Not Anymore]

EarJellies earplugs are now made in the U.S.A. and available on Amazon. Note added on 1/9/2024: Alas, Amazon is prohibitively expensive for common items that cost more than pennies to produce. Amazon pockets nearly all the money. Instead, you can buy EarJellies directly from us at

EarJellies are made of MemorySil® and use its shape-memory to provide perfect seals and exquisite comfort.

EarJellies are molded to have bulbous ends that wouldn’t normally fit in your ear. However, once you teach them to be long and thin, by rolling them out between your fingers, they glide into your ear canals easily. After that, they gradually return toward their bulbous shapes. When they encounter your ear canals, they seal flawlessly and stop changing shape. The results are perfect seals and only the gentlest of little pressures on your ear canals.

Medium size EarJellies fit most ears and are available now. Small and medium are in the works and should be available in a month or two.


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